Gentleman, if you really want to save money on your engagement ring you will want to read this post. Out of all the 4c’s, clarity is the one that is most confused and gives the most opportunity for savings. Many people think that a high clarity grade is necessary for the best brilliance. This is actually not the case. If you want to save money on your diamond, forget the clarity grade and simply look at the diamond with your naked eye. Generally, to get the most for your money, look for the lowest grade diamond that you cannot see any imperfections in. With that being said, let’s dive into the details of diamond clarity.
Diamond clarity is technically a qualitative grading on the quantity of visual imperfections within a stone. In simple terms, it is grading on the whether a stone is flawed and to what degree or not. Flaws are the imperfections in a diamond and are more technically referred to as inclusions. Generally, the fewer the blemishes and inclusions a stone has, the better its clarity grade. Although the element of clarity impacts a stone’s value and price greatly, the imperfections in a stone usually can’t be recognized using your naked eye. This gives gentleman, who only care about how a diamond looks in person and not under a microscope, the opportunity for some savings.
Diamonds typically form inside the layer of the earth known as the mantle. This layer exists deep down in the earth at a depth that ranges between 80 to 120 miles. Diamond formation occurs in extreme heat and immense pressure estimated to reach 2,200 degrees Fahrenheit and approximately 30 kilobars or 400,000lbs per sq. inch. Despite having a rather unique structure and composition, it is usually very difficult for a stone to undergo these extremes and complete the whole diamond making process without acquiring a few flaws. Usually, a few inclusions or internal features will get trapped in the stones during their formation process. These imperfections usually are made up of rock, water or gas.

Quite a few types of inclusions exist and each one is formed in a different way. Likewise, some have a more pronounced effect on a stone’s value than others. Let’s now look at the four most popular inclusions in a diamond.
Feathers appear as wispy inclusions. If these inclusions are very small, they will be very difficult to see and will not have a major impact on a diamonds appearance and price. However, if they reach the diamond’s surface then they can cause a weak point in the diamond. Diamonds like this run the risk of cracking and should be carefully considered before purchase.

Cavity results when a feather is so close to the surface of a stone that the edge of the feathers are revealed when the stone is polished. Cavities should be highly avoided since they can be a huge risk to the durability and integrity of your stone.

Needles are long and thin carbon lines within the structure of the diamond that resemble very small rods. While they are normally not visible, they can become visible if they sit at the center of your diamond underneath the top table.

Clouds are simply collections of pinpoints within the diamond. Pinpoints are small white-colored spots found inside a stone, usually representing other stone crystals forming inside the stone. Clouds are difficult to see even with the use of a microscope except when a very large amount of them are grouped together. When they are that large, they can easily affect the amounts of light traveling through your stone so be weary when purchasing.

Clarity grade is the rating that is given to a stone to show the quantity of flaws or blemishes that it has. According to experts, almost every stone has some type of blemish on its surface. Blemishes are usually hard to see using your naked eye. When determining the clarity of a stone, experts will scrutinize the appearance of the stone using magnification. When determining the clarity grade of a stone, there are five factors that inclusions are judged by and play a very important role in the overall ranking. The factors are shown below:
Usually, the bigger the size of a stone’s inclusion, the greater the impact that the inclusion will have on that stone’s appearance and clarity grade.
The nature of an inclusion refers to the type of inclusion in a stone. It also refers to the depth and various other characteristics that you can find within the stone. For example, anything that is found on a stone’s surface and has not penetrated into the stone will be referred to as a blemish and not an inclusion.
Simply, the quantity of imperfections within a diamond will impact the clarity grading. The more the merrier. I mean, the more the worse grade!
This refers to the position the inclusion is located. If the inclusion is located near the center of the table, it means that the clarity grade will be highly impacted. On the other hand, if the inclusion appears to be closer to the stone’s girdle (further from the center table) the inclusion will be very difficult to notice. Lastly, if you notice any inclusions when you look past the culet, it means that it will have less effect on the stone’s clarity grade.
Relief refers to how noticeable a stone’s inclusions are in contrast to the actual stone. Generally, the higher the relief of a stone’s inclusions, the darker the color will be and this can affect the stone’s grading.
Just like the other 4Cs of a diamond, clarity is also graded on a scale. The grading is recorded on the stone’s certificate so as to make it easier for diamond buyers to know exactly what they are buying. The grading that is used for diamond clarity uses a scale that was created by GIA. The scale rates diamonds starting from the flawless ones all the way to the imperfect ones.
Flawless (FL)
This grade consists of stones that have no blemishes or no inclusions. Even with the use of a microscope and high magnification, you would not be able to see any inclusions at all. The stones are as perfect as a natural stone can be. Flawless stones are insanely rare.

Internally Flawless (IF)
In this grade, the internal inclusions in a stone cannot be spotted by the naked eye. Expert will use 10x+ magnification to spot some very tiny blemishes on the surface of the stones.

Very, Very Slightly-Included 1 (VVS-1 and VVS-2)
Diamonds in this grade, have very tiny flaws. However, they are considered as non-existent since they are are almost impossible to see even using a microscope at 10x magnification.

Very Slightly Included (VS-1 and VS-2)
In this grade, diamonds will look clean as glass when in plain vision. When examined under 10x magnification amateurs will be able to see the imperfections in the stone. Typically, diamonds graded in this range provide gentlemen with the most value.

Slightly Included (SI-1 and SI-2)
Here, for most diamonds you will easily see the flaws in a stone without using a microscope. However, some diamonds will be graded in this range without noticeable imperfections under the naked eye. This is where gentlemen will find the very best value for their money. The diamond cost will be low and the appearance can be compared to an IF grade under the naked eye.

Included (I-1, I-2, and I-3)
In this clarity grade, the flaws in a stone can be easily seen when using the naked eye. Approximately half of all the diamonds in the market today fall in this range. For the center stone of an engagement ring, do not buy in this range.

Generally, the best diamond clarity grade for your money is VS-1 or VS-2. Within these grades you will almost certainly have a diamond without blemishes noticeable to the naked eye (as long as they are GIA/AGS graded). However, to get the very most bang-for-your-buck, it is possible to find “eye-clean” diamonds within the range of SI-1 or SI-2. To find a diamond like this will likely take much more time but will save you the most amount of money. Do not waste your time with diamonds graded in the I-1 through I-3 range. You will not be able to find an “eye-clean” diamond here unless you yourself are blind…
When looking for your perfect engagement ring, don’t be tricked by your local jeweler or Tiffany’s sales rep. Having a flawless diamond clarity will not add anything to your ring other than $$$’s. Choose a diamond with the lowest possible clarity grading that is “eye-clean.” This can potentially save you thousands of dollars that can be put into a higher diamond carat or back into your pocket. If you are looking to buy a diamond soon, I highly recommend James Allen. This company allows you to see a 360 degree, magnified view of all diamonds on their site. Their purchasing process is completely transparent and all purchases have a 100% money back guarantee if for some reason you are unhappy. If you guys have any questions regarding diamond clarity or diamonds in generally please comment below and I will respond personally.